

A Gateway to Professional Success

A library serves as a hub for knowledge, learning, and information, offering a wide variety of materials to cater to the needs of individuals and communities. Whether it's a physical space, a digital platform, or both, libraries provide an essential service by organizing and making these resources accessible for reference, borrowing, or research.

Key Features of a Library
  • Physical and Digital Access:Physical: Books, periodicals, maps, DVDs, and newspapers.Digital: E-books, online databases, audiobooks, and virtual research tools.
  • Diverse Collections:Libraries curate books, manuscripts, magazines, newspapers, multimedia, and databases in both traditional and modern formats.
  • Multiple Formats:Materials include CDs, microfilms, videotapes, along with e-books, digital documents, and audio resources for varied learning preferences.

Rules and Regulations
  • Books will be issued only on presentation of the Library Card bearing the name, class, roll number and signature of the student.
  • Students are entitled subject to the rules herein mentioned, to keep a book for a fortnight from the date of issue. If the Book is not returned on or before the due date, a fine of Rs.20 per day including holidays will be levied.
  • No one is allowed to sub-lend the books taken out by him.
  • Students must, on receiving a book, examine and report to the Librarian any damage found therein. Otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage that may afterwards be detected.
  • A book returned to the Library should contain a return slip showing the roll number of the student returning and the catalogue number of the books.
  • All payments including fine towards the library shall be paid at the college office and the receipt shown to the librarian.
  • Strict silence should be observed in the reading room.
  • Students may, without previous notice, call for books which are marked “Reference” or a periodical for consultation which will not be lent out.
  • Ms.H.Hafila Thaskin BBA., Mubalika